What Happens in a Soul-Based Coaching Session Together?

Soul-based coaching session

I always begin a session by asking you the question, ‘WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE HAPPEN?’

This helps you get really clear on your desired outcome for the work. I gently hold space for you as you explore your answer, thereby inviting you into a fully embodied experience of what you are longing for, in the here and now. This process can be very healing in and of itself. The answers will flow out of you quite naturally, there is nothing you need to know in advance, or bring with you to the session.

Then, by asking you more questions, I help you in a process of unfolding. Powerful shifts often take place on a neurological level straight way, so that that your inner world rewires itself for the changes you desire.

From here, you’ll start to call in these changes in your outer world too. Through having a changed perspective. A new way of thinking and feeling. A new way of taking action. Your new energy acts as a magnet for what you want to bring into your life.

You now have a way forward, based on wholeness and authenticity, that is deeply felt and fully integrated. So much so, that this change lasts!

This is the power of Soul-based Coaching.
